Sunday, August 9, 2009

Floral pics. in Richmond City Park BC

Guess what's in the hole..............

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A walk in Richmond City Park BC

The weather's awesome! Lets take a walk and see what's cooking in and around Richmond City Park.

Sculpture...........................resembling Dragon head?

............An Owl landing on its belly?

A very shy local inhabitant.


What we have just seen is just the perimeter of the park. More interesting pictures of florals to follow soon............................

Monday, August 3, 2009

A stroll down Richmond Nature Park BC

It is late afternoon and I am taking you to explore Richmond Nature Park to take a look at whats behind the woods.
Some of the floral and fauna that we chanced upon.......................

Lastly, meet one of the local guardians of the park.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hi and Welcome to Window View Photography

I am a novice in the art of photography. Armed with a brand new canon DSLR, I have managed to capture some colourful shots to share. Come journey with me in my pictures and any constructive suggestions and inputs to enhance my photographic skill is most welcome. Enjoy.